Faith for the Journey of Life

My Thoughts on Faith, Life, and 2,000+ Years of Catholicism / Christianity

29 October 2006

How I Became A Knight

At the beginning of my senior year of college, I became actively involved in the Newman Club of my college, an organization of Catholic college students. Though I had been a practicing Catholic my whole life, being part of the Newman Club gave me many new opportunities to serve God.

After graduation, I tried to stay active with the Newman Club. I went on retreats and pilgrimages with them. I attended various religious functions that they sponsored. But living over 1 1/2 hours from the college made participation difficult.

In the meantime, I sought out other organizations to serve God. Unfortunately, nothing could quite fit my spiritual needs.

This unfulfilled search lasted for several years after graduation. In late November of 2000, I was reflecting upon this while in prayer before Mass. I was feeling that I was not doing enough for God but was not sure how to correct that. Somehow the thought of the Knights of Columbus popped into my head. I was vaguely familiar with the organization. The Knights were very active in my church. So I said to God "The next time the Knights do a recruitment drive, I'll join."

God didn't waste anytime replying to my pledge. Less than five minutes later, a man strode up to the lectern, introduced himself and announced that the Knights of Columbus were holding a recruitment drive that very weekend. God did His part; now it was my turn. After Mass, I filled out a membership application and several weeks later, I was initiated into the Order.

Joining the Knights of Columbus was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Through the Knights I have been able to serve my God, country and Church in many meaningful ways.

If you are not familiar with the Knights, they are the world's largest Catholic men's service organization. Founded by Father Michael J. McGivney in 1881 in Connecticut, the Knights are dedicated to supporting the Church and building God's kingdom. The Knights are helping to re-build churches and schools devastated by Hurricane Katrina. The Knights raise money for children with special needs, seminarians, retired priests, and a host of other worthy causes. The Knights are fighting for the rights of pre-born babies and to keep the words "One Nation Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. For more information visit


  • At 4:19 PM, Blogger Matthew said…

    I'm glad you posted this. I was just asked to join the Knights of Colombus, and I am giving it some thought.


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